Friday, October 5, 2007

So, a few days absence from writing, but no absence from running. And hurrah, finally some sense of progress. This is definitely getting less painful, a real sense of achievement. So what has changed? well, the obvious things: it hurts less, I don't feel sick when I stop, my legs don't ache so much the next day. but also some less obvious stuff: I'm sleeping really deeply, it feels like a very healthy intense kind of rest. And I feel sort of proud of myself, as if I'm achieving something. And I feel healthier - not so much in the obvious sense of stronger or faster or more agile or anything (too early for that), but instead in a sort of detoxed way: probably just wierd imagined stuff, but I feel like getting my pulse up regularly, getting my circulation moving, is clearing bad stuff out of my system and promoting a cleaner state.
Let's see. I have to keep going for at least 6 weeks. Sarah tells me that's the point you get hooked, you WANT to keep going. who knows?